
Software that deserves a signature.

We're a team of strategists, designers, and developers obsessed with delivering great software.

Wolfco has partnered with a wide range of companies to develop digital products that transform their business. From mobile apps and websites to complex backend web services, we offer a range of services that ensure everything we build has quality at its core.

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Custom Software

Code meant for the long haul. Whether it's a custom mobile app, a progressive web app or website, or backend web services, Wolfco develops custom software that meets our clients' needs today, and tomorrow.

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Technology Consulting

Don't tackle digital transformation alone. Wolfco's team of technology consultants act as our clients' advocates on every aspect of product strategy, making smart use of data, and building out the right internal team.

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Product Design

Make something beautiful, and useful. Our experienced team of interface designers specializes in crafting gorgeous apps and websites that are as simple to use as they are effective at driving business results.

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Validation & Testing

Start new projects with confidence. Our full suite of research capabilities includes usability testing, audience research, prototyping, and design sprints to ensure our product ideas are heading in the right direction.

We craft software that solves tough problems, transforms businesses, and inspires the people who use it. But we know that we can't do it alone. That's why our software development process has been refined to be just as user-centered as our products are—it's designed to ensure our clients experience a valuable, collaborative relationship every step of the way.

We know that perfection may not be achievable. But that doesn't mean we can't try. And the closer we get with each iteration of our research, design, and development cycles, the more confident we feel in releasing our work out into the world with our signature.

The Wolfco team standing in a group in front of a white background. From left to right: Keith Miles, Dan Wolf, Ted Flynn and Jack Brett. Each person is looking at the camera and smiling.

A process designed to strike gold.

We believe that great products run on feedback. From their users, from the clients who sponsor them, from and within the team developing them. Leveraging feedback as an instrument of refinement and evolution is the core theme that permeates our entire end-to-end process, and it’s the secret ingredient that makes our software so effective.

It’s not enough to conduct cursory usability testing at the end of the design and development process. This is a great way to hear absentminded validation and reinforcement, even if it’s wrong. Users need to be included in the ideation process from the very beginning, informing requirements and the product roadmap to ensure our feature ideas are founded on a vein of user truth.

We deeply value feedback that our clients can give us, but it’s not a linear process. We involve our clients throughout the software development lifecycle, ensuring they have full visibility into what we’re building, why, and how. This ensures that we’re receiving great directional feedback throughout the project, but also empowers our clients to understand their product better than anyone.

When I founded Wolfco, I wanted to create a company that worked with its clients as one team, and delivered products that were high-quality inside and out. Wolfco is made up of talented people committed to doing their best work, and that’s why we’re proud to put our signature on it.

— Dan Wolf

The Wolfco Team

Partners who take their projects seriously.

Our clients understand the value that the products we build will bring to their businesses, so we tackle each project as if it were our own. Wolfco’s team of senior consultants in design, research, and development are constantly advocating for the right solutions, and communicating openly to help our clients make informed decisions for their project and their business.

We don’t believe in working in silos, or working together purely through impersonal documentation or software requirements. We’ve found that collaborating closely together, with our clients participating as peers on the team, is the best way to ensure every perspective is considered.

Wolfco has partnered with a diverse range of clients across industries, including healthcare, financial services, hospitality, and consumer goods. Our process is adaptable to suit any size business, from startups to large enterprises, and the products we build are designed to scale as companies evolve along that spectrum.

Join our journey of crafting top-tier software. Let's innovate together.

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