Technology Consulting

Every company is a technology company.

Digital products define modern customer interactions—so businesses need a strong team that’s optimized to keep theirs second-to-none.

Don't tackle digital transformation alone. Wolfco's team of technology consultants act as our clients’ advocates on every aspect of product strategy, making smart use of data, and building out the right internal team.

Overhead view of a collaborative workspace with multiple laptops, phones, and office supplies on a table.

Over the last decade, the difference between a successful company and one that's left behind has been how quickly they're able to make technology a central force in driving their business. Looking ahead, this trend is only going to intensify as customers develop new behaviors and expectations.

Colleagues engaging in discussion and collaborating on a project in an office setting.

But recognizing the critical role that digital products play in a company's future is only half the battle. Actually executing on a plan to incorporate technology into every facet of a business is the only way to guarantee success.

Three colleagues having a discussion around a computer.

Wolfco partners with organizations at every stage of their digital transformation—from those just starting out, to businesses that have already launched successful digital initiatives. Our services are focused on equipping clients with the right digital product strategy, technology toolset, and team to realize their digital ambitions.


Information is the currency of our age, but it's sometimes challenging for businesses to access, validate, and use the data they need to drive their digital strategy. From organizing and normalizing data from disparate sources, to defining an analytics strategy that can inform future product decisions, Wolfco has guided clients through the complex landscape of data science to uncover real insights and achieve real results.


Wolfco offers end-to-end product strategy services to take digital initiatives from prototype to production. Whether it's deciding the next digital product to build, developing a long-term product roadmap of features, or finding ways to reinvigorate an existing product with new ideas, Wolfco's team of experts has a proven framework of testing and iteration that has worked for dozens of clients.


Wolfco understands that hiring a digital agency is only the tip of the iceberg. In order for digital transformation initiatives to be a lasting success, the business needs a dedicated team supporting them and driving innovation forward. Our technology consulting services are designed not only to empower existing teams with the tools and techniques that deliver great software, but also to help develop and hire the right team members, in the right roles, from scratch.

Embark on your digital journey with us. Share your goals, and let's strategize together.

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Other Services

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Custom Software

Code meant for the long haul. Whether it's a custom mobile app, a progressive web app or website, or backend web services, Wolfco develops custom software that meets our clients' needs today, and tomorrow.

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Product Design

Make something beautiful, and useful. Our experienced team of interface designers specializes in crafting gorgeous apps and websites that are as simple to use as they are effective at driving business results.

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Validation & Testing

Start new projects with confidence. Our full suite of research capabilities includes usability testing, audience research, prototyping, and design sprints to ensure our product ideas are heading in the right direction.

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