Elite Travel Security Service

Platform with Web and Mobile Apps
Man waiting at an airport terminal with his feet up on his suitcase watching a plane take off.

The Challenge

Unique needs for elite travelers. Unique challenges for a new product.

Focused on the needs of high-net-worth travelers around the world, Wolfco provided design and development services to launch a first-generation travel security platform for a startup product team. This portfolio of web apps and mobile apps was envisioned to provide white-glove service to clients with unique travel needs, including quick access to legal resources, medical assistance, and private security for any scenario or emergency that might arise while traveling internationally.

International travel for high-net-worth individuals has its own unique set of challenges and considerations, from private security needs to easy access to medical and legal resources. Wolfco built a platform that enables a new travel concierge service to tackle any situation that might arise.

When Wolfco joined the project, the startup team and their partners were just setting out on their development project, giving Wolfco an opportunity to take a strategic leadership role in defining how the product was designed and developed from the beginning. With product requirements including lots of distinct user groups, uncompromising security demands, and a user experience that the product's elite clientele would enjoy using, Wolfco assembled a web development team and got to work.

Interior view of an airport terminal with check-in counters and digital displays.

The Solution

A premium user experience for a premium product.

Wolfco started the project by gathering requirements and getting their heads around the complexities involved. First was the user experience for end-users of the travel service, which needed to be best-in-class to keep pace with the other digital products these users were accustomed to. Through multiple rounds of design prototyping and experimentation, Wolfco defined an experience that would save HNW individuals time and energy in planning their upcoming travel.

Wolfco designed and developed an easy-to-use trip creation experience that guided users through the process of entering all their travel arrangements and other details, from flights and hotels to clients' medical histories to ensure appropriate support is available at a moment's notice. Integrations with Google Maps made it simple to enter and validate addresses and other locations, as well as match up users with medical and legal resources local to the area they're visiting.

Over the course of just 3 months, Wolfco was able to design and develop all-new web and mobile apps to bring this unique travel concierge experience to life.

For a platform focused on security for its clients, it was imperative that the multiple complex user roles and permissions were well-defined from the beginning. Because associates and administrators were in some cases managing the personal information of millionaires and billionaires, Wolfco created multiple levels of security and access control to ensure the service's employees only had access to the data they needed.

From a single easy-to-use dashboard, the administrators would be able to see the real-time location and status of all of their clients, as well as the location of their associates and support personnel in the field. These remote users accessed a sophisticated case system that Wolfco architected and implemented, which integrated with Zendesk to allow support staff allocated to each trip to monitor clients' needs in a secure and private interface.

While a travel security platform might seem sterile and businesslike, it was important to the startup client that the user experience be imbued with personality. Coachmarks and onboarding throughout the UI were facilitated by friendly characters who offered advice as the user progressed, with quick access to real-time support with a human being if needed.

Two women looking at a laptop together and drinking coffee.

The Outcome

Managing complexity and delivering security, securely.

The first generation of this travel security platform is being tested in beta, with plans to launch more broadly later this year. Wolfco partnered closely with a third-party agency to bring this product to life, and collaborated closely with both agency and client contacts to define the best user experience and technical details for the products.

After the three-month build led to a successful beta launch, both the client and the development partners that Wolfco worked alongside have confidence in the powerful capability and security of the apps and platform Wolfco created.

As an agency, Wolfco was a fantastic resource to bring into this project. Their team was easy to work with and really collaborative when it came to design and development. Our client is thrilled, and we're excited about the quality of the apps and APIs that Wolfco delivered.

— Account Director, Third-Party Agency Partner
Back view of a person driving a car, with a smartphone mounted on the dashboard.

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